How to model and render a golf ball.

Start with a Dodecahedron.

Fill all faces with triangles.

Divide all triangles into 4 more triangles.
Push all vertices out to an equal distance from center of ball.
Use this level to mark the dimples.
Dimples will be at each vertex and each triangle center. 362 dimples.

Divide again.

Divide again.

Divide again.

Divide again (not shown), and make the dimples.
Dimples are made by pulling the surrounding verts toward the center of the ball.

Render each triangle.

Apply smooth shading, such as Gouraud or Phong shading.

Add some grass.

Make the ball surface shiny and slightly irregular (bump mapping).

Method #2

Push dents into a sphere, using another sphere.

Align a sphere for each dimple on the golf ball. Only a few are shown.

Render and you're done.

You may then use the model in images such as the one below...

Note: All programming and rendering was done with tools written in C by Gordon.

Copyright © 2010, Gordon Griesel