How to setup your 2020 directory on Odin.

1. Log onto Odin
2. Change to your home directory.
      . do this by entering the following:
      . cd

3. Run the following script:


Copy/paste the command above into your console.

You must not already have a directory named 2020.
Rename it or delete it before running the script.


Check your work...

enter the following command:

ls -al

You should see that faculty is the owner of your 2020 folder.

drwxrws---  21 yourid faculty  4096 Jan 25 11:15 2020

If faculty is not the owner, do the following steps...

  1. rename your 2020 folder to x2020
  2. run the script again: /home/fac/gordon/p/2020/
  3. copy your work from your x2020 folder to your 2020 folder.

No assignments will be accepted until this is fixed.
If you are in doubt about your 2020 directory being correct,
come to my office so I can check it out.