Many scores on mystack.cpp were low.

If you can accomplish this in your program, I will give you some more points.

Go to your Odin 2020/8/ folder.

Copy your mystack.cpp program to mystack2.cpp

Use your stack template to make the following code work.
Put the code at the end of your main function after displaying your words,
or whatever you are displaying depending on how far you got with the program.

Add this code at the bottom of main, or place it in another function
that you can call from main.

cout << "Creating a float stack..." << endl;
Stack <float> fstack(100);
cout << "pushing values: 12.34, 56.78" << endl;
cout << "popping the stack..." << endl;
cout << fstack.pop() << " ";
cout << fstack.pop() << " ";
cout << "done." << endl;
cout << endl;

output will be:

Creating a float stack...
pushing: 12.34, 56.78
popping the stack...
56.78 12.34

Due Sunday night 5:00pm
I will collect your mystack2.cpp program.
Your goal is to have a stack template.