CMPS-4350 Lab-3
Elements of this lab... Valgrind profiling tools File specification document A web page documenting your specificationsValgrind -------- Learn about valgrind profiling tools Bring your 4350/2/lab2.cpp program into your 3 folder as 4350/3/lab3.cpp Apply some portion of valgrind profiling to your lab3.cpp program. Run the kcachegrind GUI tool. remember to log in to Odin with the -YC option. ssh -YCWeb page -------- Make a simple web page in your Odin public_html folder. You may use the PPM page as a model page. Name your web page: public_html/4350/filespec.html Be sure to give your public_html/4350/ folder the correct permission. chmod 755 4350Your goals ---------- 1. Get your program to compress and uncompress a file. 2. Document some profiling of your program. 3. Build a simple web page. 4. Post an image of your own kcachegrind visual output on your page. <img src="image.jpg" style="width:400px; height:auto;"/>5. Show your own file specifications. That's it for now.