CMPS-4350 Lab-7
Elements of this lab... Status of project-2 Each student will do the lab below.Lab elements ------------ Create a simple web page on Odin. public_html/4350/proj2_status.html On this page... Document the progress and status of your communication project.What to do during lab class --------------------------- Put your web page in-place. 1. Post a screen-shot of your application. Choose some part of your application that is working, and post a screen-shot. Briefly describe how a user would get to this part of your application. 2. Source code sample. Show a small segment of source code that you wrote. Briefly describe what the code does. What language is it? Approximately how many lines-of-code have you written so far? 3. Interesting feature... Briefly describe an interesting feature of your application. 4. Additional... How complete is your communication project? Give approximate % complete. Name one interesting thing you have learned since starting this project.What to turn in --------------- Your page is due during the class period. -----------------------------------------