CMPS-4350 Lab-8

   • Testing software communication
   • Automating a test
   • Testing a failure condition

 -> Each student will do the lab below.

Lab elements ------------ Create a simple web page on Odin. public_html/4350/proj2_testing.html On this page... Document the lab elements listed below.
What to do during lab class --------------------------- Put your web page in-place. 1. Setup an automated communication test in your application. Choose some part of your application that requires communication. Setup a test that will repeatedly perform the communication function. Display some output that will indicate: 1. the number of tests done 2. the number of successful results 3. the number of unsuccessful results Post a screen-shot of your test. Briefly describe your test. 2. Cause a failure. Choose some part of your application that requires communication. Cause a failure to happen during communication. How does your app handle a failure? Post a screen-shot of your test. Briefly describe your test.
What to turn in --------------- Your page is due during the class period. -----------------------------------------