CMPS-4350 Lab-1

Elements of this lab...
  C++ program
  Profiling program execution
File prep...

Do your work in your Odin 4350/1/ directory.

Copy the following programs into your directory.


Follow along with your instructor.

Source code profiling components

Setup some components in the spell program.

1. Build a timer class.
   Use the high-definition timer code already present.

2. Isolate the profile code.
   Using preprocessor directives.

3. Produce multiple executable files with profiling on/off.

4. Add several new profiled areas.
   Locate in areas likely to be improved with coding changes.

Experiment with optimization using profiling information

Here is where you will practice your coding by trying to improve the performance
of the spell program.

Choose a portion of code, isolate it, improve it.

When optimization is done, leave the old code in-place.
You may...

1. Isolate the old code using preprocessor directives.

2. Comment out the old code, with a clear description of why
   the code is commented out.

3. Leave both portions of code, if possible, to compare the difference
   using the profiled output.

What to turn in

Your programs will be collected at the end of our lab period. 12:30.


Be sure your program compiles and runs with no warnings or errors.