CMPS-4350 Lab-2

Elements of this lab...
    Clean up your odin account
    File specification document
    Base algorithm functions
    Encode a file with LZ-77
    Decode an LZ-77 file

Clean up odin account --------------------- Protect your program source files. Do this with: chmod 700 <filename> Option 1: protect all source files individually with chmod 700. Option 2: place source files in subdirectories and chmod 700 the directory. Your instructor will check your progress during lab. Not an optional exercise.
Files ----- Do your work in your Odin 4350/2/ directory. You may start with your spell.cpp program. Remove the dictionary components Name your new program: 4350/2/lab2.cpp Refer to the Week-2 Notes.
Your goals ---------- 1. Define your compressed file specifications. For now, store this file as: 4350/2/filespec.txt You may also include file specifications in your program comments, but then when your specifications change, you will have to update two different documents. file spec examples: PPM GIF Tar 2. Reading an input file. Getting the file-name from command-line is best. 3. Apply the LZ-77 algorithm to the entire file. Write lz77 codes, but no compression is expected. 4. Write an output file using your file specifications. You are writing a compressed file. 5. Read a compressed file using your file specifications. Here you are decoding a file that you wrote. Attempting high file compression, or any compression, is not necessary at this point.