CMPS-4350 Lab-5

Elements of this lab...
   IEEE Software Requirements Specification
Lab elements ------------ IEEE SRS template <---- can be found there. You may use the template to establish your project requirements. For this lab: 1. Complete the sections that are needed for your particular project. 2. Leave no < or > symbols in your SRS document. 3. Include some functional and non-functional requirements. 4. Save your document. Maintain your document on Github. You may use your existing github account or establish a new account. Document the URL of your github account and repository name. Create a text file on Odin: 4350/5/mygithub.txt This file will have just one line of text in it. The text will be the URL of your github account and repository. Please make it a public repository.
What to do during lab class --------------------------- 1. Establish your github repository. 2. Create your mygithub.txt file. All students will submit a 4350/5/mygithub.txt file. 3. Start on your SRS document. At the end of lab class, your github repository will be cloned. Your SRS document will be viewed.