CMPS-4350 Lab-6

Elements of this lab...
   Communication components of your application

Each student will do the lab below.

Lab elements ------------ Do your work for this lab in a document that can be linked from a web page. Create a simple web page on Odin. public_html/4350/proj2.html Give your 4350 folder a permission of 755 (chmod 755 4350) Give your proj2 file a permission of 744 (chmod 744 proj2.html) On this page, link to a document (.txt, .html, .php, .PDF, etc.) The document will contain your work for this lab.
What to do during lab class --------------------------- Put your web page in-place. Begin your research and start writing your document. Answer the questions below in your document. Include links in your document where appropriate to justify your answers. 1. Identify the primary programming language used in your application. 2. Is your language compiled or interpreted? If interpreted, what language was used to write the interpreter? If compiled, what language was used to write the compiler? 3. Identify the underlying components of communication that will be used in your application. High-level... What components of your application will communicate? What does the flow of data look like? You may show an image or diagram, such as a UML Communication Diagram. Low-level... Do some research on your language and identify the communication standards being used. 4. Waiting... For effective communication, data must be sent before it can be received. Some part of your application must wait for data to be sent, then receive it. How will one component of your application wait for another component? Where will "waiting" take place in your application? What components are waiting for other components?
What to turn in --------------- Start your work during the lab period. -------------------------------------- Finish this work during the week. A document is due the night before our next Tuesday lab. Your score for this work will be based on... . Accuracy . Quality . Effort . Presentation . Timeliness