CMPS-3350 Software Engineering
Group Evaluation
Create a file on Odin named: 3350/8/eval8.txt Answer the quiz questions in the eval8.txt file.
Your answers to questions below are kept confidential. 1. Name each of your project group members below (first name only) Including yourself. For each group member, show their contribution to lab-8 as a percentage of the overall work done by your whole group. name % ------------------- ----- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ----- 100 <--- total will be that 2. How complete is your group project overall? Show a % complete. 3. Which one group member is showing extra effort and helping the group? 4. How many lines of code (LOC) have you written in your individual file? 5. Name one thing you wish your group would do better.