CMPS-4350 - Advanced Software Engineering

Cleanup your Odin account Overview: As you take courses at CSUB, you start to accumulate programming assignment files on the Odin server. For example C++ programs. These programs are your school work. These files should be kept in directories that are accessible only to you and your instructors. Protecting your files is a requirement of this course. Heres how to do it... 1. Log on to the Odin server. 2. Find all program files. You will know them because of the file extension of '.cpp', '.h', '.c', etc. 3. If the files are already in a subdirectory, then set the permission of the directory to 700. ( example: chmod 700 mydir ) 4. If the files are in your home directory, then you may create a subdirectory and move the files into it, then protect just the subdirectory. This is the easiest way to protect all your files.
Here is a list of all the file types that you should protect. .cpp C++ program .c C program .h C and C++ header file .s MIPS assembly program .asm x86 assembly program .java Java program file .class Java class file .php PHP program file .cs C# program .pl Perl program .py Python source .vb Visual basic