CMPS-4350 Lab-1

Elements of this lab...
  Odin server setup
  C++ programming
  LZ-77 algorithm design

Do your work in your Odin 4350/1 directory.

Start with the program we wrote together on Wednesday.

Follow along with your instructor.

Continue with the following work...

  1. Add code to get more than 1 repeated characters.
  2. Try a few different data strings.
  3. Write a de-compress function.

Week-2 homework...

  1. Continue to write your compression and de-compression code.
  2. Add a Unit Test to your program.
  3. The unit test will run in its own executable.

  The Unit Test:

  Define some test data consisting of strings of characters.
  Run the data through your code/decode functions.
  Compare the expected results with the actual results.

  When successful, show the level of compression you are able to attain
  with each of your test strings.

  For example,
     original string length   = 60 bytes
     compressed string length = 50 bytes

     compression level is 1 - (50 / 60) = 16.66%