CMPS-4350 Lab-12

Elements of this lab...
  Display phrases as text
  Shorten the text to fit a space

Programming instructions... Do your work in your Odin 4350/c directory. Start with your ellipsis.cpp program from Monday class. Copy ellipsis.cpp to lab12.cpp Phrases will come from Elements of style 1. Shorten the text where needed, based on display width. 2. Show the beginning and end of the text. Use the maximum amount of space you have. 3. Use an ellipsis ... to show where text was removed. 4. Use this list of abbreviations to replace long words. word abbreviation ------------ ------------ number no numbers nos code cd efficiency eff variable var variables vars procedures procs comment cmt comments cmts make mk 5. You may add some abbreviations to this list. Use an ellipsis to remove text only after applying abbreviations. 6. Use sample from program sz.cpp to get size of terminal. 7. Make your program work dynamically if you can. Dynamic operation is demonstrated in the sz.cpp program.