JavaSoft ODBC
JDBC borrowed the idea from successful ODBC. Both are based on X/Open Call level interface specification.
In both methods, the following architecture is used
Application Program
JDBC Driver Manager
ODBC Driver
Database Server
JavaSoft supplies a JDBC-ODBC bridge for Solaries and MS Window 95 and NT. If you already have ODBC drive, then you can connect to database without buying database supplier's JDBC driver.
There are two group of API for database connectivity. JDBC API is for programmer who wants to write application based on database. JDBC Driver API is for programmers who want to develop JDBC drivers for different databases.
to Database Server
There are several classes for programmer to connect to database, issue SQL statement and create result set, and retrieve data from the result set.
The major steps and the corresponding classes are given below. (Given a supplier's table S(Snum, SName, Status, City))
Step Statements and Classes
========================== ============================
I. For retrieve a database data
1. Load Driver into DriverManager: Class.forName("driverName");
ForName() throws ClassNotFoundException, or
DriverManager.registerDriver(new … );
2. Connecting to database Connection cnn = DriverManager.getConnection(
url, usr, password);
1-1. Specify the JDBC driver String url = "jdbc:odbc:datasourcename";
The url consists of (1) protocol, (2) driver and (3) database source name. Ex.
String url = "";
1-2. Specify user name String usr = "xxxx" ;
1-3. Specify the password String password = "yyyy" ;
3. Create a statement object Statement stmt = cnn.createStatement();
from connection object.
4. Make and execute SQL statement from String sql = "SELECT * FROM s" ;
and create result set. ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
5. Use boolean to move to the first record and the next record.
6. Use result set's get String sno = rs.getString(1); //1st col.
functions to retrieve data or rs.getString("Snum");
in table's columns. int st = rs.getInt("Status");
User ResultSet.getMetaData() to get column count, column names, length, types and etc.
II. For update statements
1. Make a delete, update or String ups =
insert statement string "DELETE * FROM s WHERE Status < 10" ;
2. Execute the update the int cnt = stmt.executeUpdate(ups)
update statement
cnt is the number of records affected
III. To execute a SQL statement with
1. Make a SQL string String sql = "Select * from s where status = ?";
Use placeholder (?) for each host variable that you want to use in
parameterized SQL. The position of the first placeholder is 1.
2. Create a PreparedStatement PreparedStatement pstmt = new
cnn.prepareStatement(sql) ;
3. Link host variable to
place holder(?) by its pstmt.setString(1, hostVar) ;
position number
4. Execute the prepared ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
IV. To execute a Stored procedure:
1. Make a SQL string String sql = "{ call storedProc(?, ?, …)}";
String sql = "{?=call storedProc(?, ?, …)}";
2. Create a PreparedStatement CallableStatement cstmt = new
cnn.prepareCall(sql) ;
3. Register each of all OUT parameters: cstmt.registerOutParameter(2, Types.INTEGER);
4. Link host variable to
placeholder(?) by its sstmt.setInt(1, hostInt) ;
position number
5. Execute the prepared ResultSet rs = cstmt.execute();
3. Java and SQL Data
To pass paramters to prepared SQL statement or get fields out of result set, java variables are used. The type of java variable must match the type of variable of SQL. The following table shows the correspondance between Java data type and SQL data types.
SQL Data Types Java
Data Types
NUMERIC(w, d) java.sql.Numeric
DEC(w, d)
FLOAT(n) double
REAL float
DOUBLE double
DATE java.sql.Date
TIME java.sql.Time
TIMESTAMP java.sql.Timestamp
4. JDBC Related Class
and interfaces
From the example statements, the main classes used to access database include
Class Purposes
Connection - Connects to database
- Creates a statement to execute SQL statement.
Statement - Regulate objects used to executes a static query or static update statement. The query statement may return multiple result sets.
SQL statements are represented as string.
ResultSet - Contains a set of records result from
executing a query statement. No result set is
created for update statements.
- Retrieve meta data (column definitions).
Combined with ResultSetMetaData class, you can
retrieve column label, width and etc.
PreparedStatement - Regulate objects that take SQL statement with parameters, compile the statement once and executed many times with different argument.
- The setXX() functions allow you set the values of parameters.
- Creates result set from parameteried query.
CallableStatement - Regulate objects that call a stored procedures and that can return one or more result sets.
DatabaseMetaData - Retrieves information about database structure
- Retrieves information about exotic features
such what is the result of null + non-null.
4.1 Connection Class
See API for Connection class definition.
4.2 Statement Class
- See API for Statement Class
4.3 ResultSet Class
- See API for ResultSet class.
4.4 PreparedStatement Class
The prepared statements allow statements be prepared/compiled once and execute many times with different set of actual parameters. The prepared statements increase performance in cases such load a table rows with text file. Mainly, the prepared statements allow program to
· Execute query or update SQL statements with parameters.
· Use getXXX() to link host variables to SQL parameters (placeholders ?).
See API for PreparedStatement class definition.
The callable statement is a Java class object that allows you make a call to a stored procedure or function. The calls to stored subprogram will be more efficient executed than Java Statement and PreparedStatement object since the compilation is done, and the executions of stored procedures share the same program.
The result set meta data class provides programmers with data about a result set. The data includes column names, data types and lengths, and etc. See Java API for class definition.
- Member Function Summaries
· Get tables in a schema.
· Many more data structures related functions.
See examples in java_jdbc subdirectory
Pool in JDBC 2.0 Standard Extension (JDBC 2.0 SE)
6.1 What is connection pool?
6.2 Why do we connection pool?
6.3 When do we use connection pool?
6.4 Connection Pool Related Classes
6.4.1 javax.sql.DataSource Interface
· The implmenting class of DataSource interface is a factory for creating connection objects. The object implementing DataSource interface will typically be registered with JNDI service provider. A JDBC driver that is accessed via the DataSource API does not automatically register itself with the DriverManager.
6.4.2 javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource Interface
· The implementing class of ConnectionPoolDataSource will be used to create connection objects that will be stored in a connection pool.
· The implementing class will typically registered with JNDI service.
6.4.3 javax.sql.PooledConnection Interface
· A pooled connection object represents a physical connection to data source. The pooled connection objet also provide hooks for connection pool management.