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Computer Networks Syllabus CMPS 376 - Spring 2007 Dr. Melissa Danforth Office: Sci 403, 654-3180 Office Hours: MWF 3:30pm - 5:00pm Email: or Course web site: Course meets MWF 11:00am - 12:25pm in Sci 414, Tu 10:30am - 12:55pm (lab) in Sci 407 Course Description: A study of computer networks focusing on the tcp/ip Internet protocols and covering the four layers: physical, data link, network, and transport, in detail. This course includes a 2 1/2 hours per week laboratory in which students will cover important network utilities, debugging tools, process and thread control as it relates to network programming, and the coding of programs which do interprocess communication over sockets. The typical Internet client program which accesses a tcp network server daemon will be covered in detail. Textbook: Computer Networks, 4th edition, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-066102-3. Material Covered: Chapter 1 - Introduction Chapter 2 - The Physical Layer Chapter 3 - The Data Link Layer Chapter 4 - The Medium Access Sublayer Chapter 5 - The Network Layer Chapter 6 - The Transport Layer Chapter 7 - The Application Layer Chapter 8 - Network Security Attendance: Students are responsible for their own attendance. The topics covered in lecture will be listed on the course website. Academic Integrity Policy: Assignments may be worked on and discussed in groups. If the assignment is a group assignment, the group can turn in one assignment for the entire group. If the assignment is an individual assignment, each student must turn in their own work; no direct copying is allowed. Refer to the Academic Integrity policy printed in the campus catalog and class schedule. Grading: Labs/Homework 40% Midterm 30% Final 30% Homework/Lab Policy: Homeworks and labs may be worked on and discussed in groups, but every student must turn in their own assignments in their own words, no direct copying. However, any group programming assignments can be turned in as one per group. Late homework will be marked down for every weekday it is late. Assignments more than three days late will not be accepted. Midterm: Tuesday April 24, 2007 during the lab time Final: Thursday June 7, 2007 from 11:00am to 1:30pm in Sci 414