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Computer Networks Syllabus CMPS 376 - Spring 2009 Dr. Melissa Danforth Office: SciIII 338, 654-3180 Office Hours: MWF 3:30pm - 5:15pm or by appointment Email: Course web site: Course meets MWF 10:55am - 12:15pm and Th 9:30am - 12:00pm in SciIII 315 Course Description: A study of computer networks focusing on the TCP/IP Internet protocols and covering the four layers: physical, data link, network, and transport, in detail. The lectures will focus extensively on the theory of networking and the details of several popular protocols. This course also includes a weekly laboratory which covers network utilities and network programming. More course information can be found at the official department course description webpage: Prerequisite: CMPS 223 Textbook: Computer Networks, 4th edition, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-066102-3. Material Covered: Chapter 1 - Introduction Chapter 2 - The Physical Layer Chapter 3 - The Data Link Layer Chapter 4 - The Medium Access Sublayer Chapter 5 - The Network Layer Chapter 6 - The Transport Layer Chapter 7 - The Application Layer Chapter 8 - Network Security Attendance: Students are responsible for their own attendance. The topics covered in lecture will be listed on the course website. Lab attendance is not required but is strongly encouraged. Academic Integrity Policy: Assignments may discussed in groups. If the assignment is a group assignment, the group turns in one assignment for the entire group. However, if the assignment is an individual assignment, each student must turn in their own work; no direct copying is allowed. You may discuss individual assignments with other students, but you must write up the assignment in your own words. Refer to the Academic Integrity policy in the campus catalog. Computer Lab: The computer lab in SciIII 324 is available for use by students in this course outside of class time on a first come, first serve basis. Grading: Labs/Homework 40% Midterm 30% Final 30% Homework/Lab Policy: Homeworks and labs may be worked on and discussed in groups, but every student must turn in their own assignments in their own words. Refer to the Academic Integrity Policy above. Assignments will be posted online on the course website. The due date will be given with the assignment. Late labs are not accepted, however partial credit will be given for incomplete labs. Late homework is accepted, but it will be marked down 10% for every day it is late. Homework assignments more than three days late will not be accepted. Saturday and Sunday count as one day under this policy. Homework/Lab Submission: Assignments are submitted by emailing the instructor from the Computer Science department server or by turning in a hardcopy of the assignment to the instructor. If emailing, all files must be in text or PDF format. Do not use RunnerMail, GMail or any other email method. If you believe you submitted the assignment on time but the instructor has not received it, contact the instructor. Midterm: Thursday April 30, 2009 during the lab time block. Final: Wednesday June 10, 2009 from 11:00am to 1:30pm in SciIII 315.