Data Structures and Algorithms
CMPS 223 - Spring 2011
Course meets MWF 12:20-1:30pm and Tu 12:20-2:50pm in Sci III 315
Course Description
Builds upon the foundation provided by CMPS 221 to introduce the fundamental
concepts of data structures, algorithms, and algorithm analysis. The course
focuses on the concepts and implementation of fundamental data structures
(linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, hash tables, and graphs). Other topics
include: pointers, recursion, searching and sorting algorithms, and the basics
of algorithm analysis.
CMPS 221
Data Abstraction & Problem Solving with C++, 5th edition. Frank Carrano.
Publisher: Prentice Hall / Pearson. ISBN: 0-321-43332-7.
(Note: This is a new textbook for this quarter)
Moodle Link
All grades will be posted on Moodle. The direct link for the course on Moodle