Homework 5 - Chapters 7 - 10

Due Monday, November 20, 2006 at 5pm.

Name your files hw5_<problem>.cpp, such as hw5_1.cpp. Email all the cpp files to my Helios account.

You can copy any of the sample input files to your current directory using

cp /usr/users/mdanfor/public_html/cs221-f06/<filename> .
This homework features two versions of a simple grade menu. The first version uses 2D arrays and the second version uses structures. Each version is worth 10 points. Both versions use the same menu as follows:
  Welcome to the CS221 Homework 5 Menu
  1.  Enter student data from keyboard.
  2.  Enter student data from file.
  3.  Print score for one student.
  4.  Print score for all students.

  0.  Exit
  Enter selection:


  1. Use 2D arrays to implement the grade book menu. You will have one 2D character array for names, where each row is a C-style string containing the name of the student. You will also have one 2D interger array for quiz scores, where each row is the scores for one student.
  2. Use structures to implement the grade book menu. You will have a 1D array of structures. The structure will contain the name and quiz scores.

Extra Credit (10pts)

From the book, Programming Project 7.13, pp 442-443. Conway's "Game of Life". This is a rather lengthy description, so I will not copy it here. If you do not have a text book, there is a copy in the secretary's office that you can borrow to photocopy the assignment. Additional resources: Use a text file to contain the initial generation for the game. The text file has the same format as the screen output. That is, it will contain 22 lines with each line having 80 characters. A space indicates an empty cell and an asterick indicates an occupied cell. Try using some of the initial configurations given in the above resources.

Sample input files follow:

I've also uploaded a working binary solution to the problem so you can see how the game appears on these sample files. From within Helios, run the following command:
It will prompt you for the number of generations (I'd suggest start low like 50 and only go higher for more complex patterns) and the filename. Try it out on the above filenames to see it in action. It works best if your terminal is set for 24 rows and 80 cols.