Lab 7 - Arrays, File I/O and Formatting Output
Index out of bounds demo
Copy this file, array_example.cpp, to
your current directory with the command:
cp /usr/users/mdanfor/public_html/cs221-f06/array_example.cpp .
Compile and run the program. Notice that by accessing an index that is
out of bounds of the array, we have overwritten the contents of other
variables in the program. This is why you must keep track of how many
elements you have allocated to the array (the max_size variable in the
code given in class). C/C++ will happily let you access indexes that
are not part of the array. It is up to the programmer to prevent that.
Name your programs lab7_<problem>.cpp. Email your files to my Helios
- Download this example file to your account:
lab7.dat. When you are logged into Helios,
you use the following command to copy the file to your current directory:
cp /usr/users/mdanfor/public_html/cs221-f06/lab7.dat .
Write a program to read in the data from this file and store it in arrays.
Note that the file has an integer followed by a double. You will need two
arrays, one for integers and one for doubles, to store this data. The read
from file get_input() code from Monday's lecture will need to be modified
slightly to read both an integer and a double and then assign each to their
corresponding array. After you have read in the data, print the contents
of each array to the screen. Do not use cout in your get_input() function.
Use a for() loop to step through each array, printing out each element,
after you have read in all the data using get_input().
- Look at this example of formatted output created with the following
program using cout: lab7_2.cpp
integer output
right justify: | 5|
left justify: |5 |
double output (2 precision)
right justify: | 5.50|
left justify: |5.50 |
A small table without borders:
Name Integer Double
Alice 5 6.20
Bob 8 13.34
Carol 12 19.00
Write a program that will replicate this output using printf(). You should
be able to use one printf() command per line of output. Refer to
Lab 5 for how to use printf(). Compare your program
to the cout style of formatting used in lab7_2.cpp.