Name your files hw4_<problem>.cpp, such as hw4_1.cpp. Email all the cpp files to my Helios account.
Sample input file: hw4_input1
Welcome to the CS221 Homework 4 Menu =============================================== 1. Enter a list of integers from the keyboard. 2. Read a list of integers from a file. 3. Print the list of integers. 4. Print the sum of all integers in the list. 0. Exit =============================================== Enter selection:When option 1 or 2 is selected, the list of integers will be stored in an array. If there is already integers in the array, overwrite the integers with the new data. Option 2 should prompt the user for a filename and read the integers in from that file. If the file cannot be opened, print an error message but do NOT exit the program. If option 3 or 4 are selected before option 1 or 2, an error message should be printed that reminds the user to enter data via option 1 or 2.
Sample input files: hw4_input2 hw4_input3