Lab 2 - Basic data types

Due: 5:00pm Tuesday Sep. 23

Complete the following programs. Email both files to my Helios account. Each program is worth 5 points.

  1. Write a program that asks the user to enter an integer and then a double. Then echo the entered data to the screen. The interaction should appear as follows:
    Enter an integer: 9
    Enter a double: 5.3
    You entered the integer 9 and the double 5.3.
    Save this program as the filename lab2_1.cpp. Compile it using the Helios command
    g++ -o lab2_1 lab2_1.cpp
    Run the program a few times and experiment with giving different input such as entering a double instead of an integer for prompt 1 and an integer instead of a double for prompt 2. Also try entering both numbers at once with just a space between them instead of hitting enter after each number. Finally, try this command from your Helios prompt:
    echo "5 1.3" | ./lab2_1
  2. Copy the program you just made using the Helios command
    cp lab2_1.cpp lab2_2.cpp
    Open lab2_2.cpp in pico or vi and do the following modifications. Remove the "You entered" line and instead output the following calculations, one output per line:
    1. The integer divided by the integer 10.
    2. The double divided by the integer 10.
    3. The integer divided by the double.
    The output should appears as follows:
    Enter an integer: 9
    Enter a double: 5.3
    The value of 9 / 10 is 0.
    The value of 5.3 / 10 is 0.53.
    The value of 9 / 5.3 is 1.69811.
    Compile using the Helios command
    g++ -o lab2_2 lab2_2.cpp
    Notice the difference between integer division and double division.