Lab 6 - Character I/O

The purpose of this lab is to use character I/O. Implement the following pseudocode to read data from the keyboard using get and getline. The first part of the code will test each character entered and print a message about the results. The second part will read in a phrase and echo it to the screen.

Note that get will wait until the enter key is pressed before it returns a value, so you will need to clear the input stream before trying to read the phrase with getline.

Pseudocode for main:

print "Enter a list of characters (end with the character 'n'): " to the screen
  get a character
  if it is a digit
    print "Found digit <value>" to the screen
  if it is a letter
    if it is a lowercase letter
      convert it to an uppercase letter
    print "Found letter <value>" to the screen
  if it is a punctuation character
    print "Found punctuation <value>" to the screen
while value is not 'N'

print "Enter a phrase: "
read in the phrase
print the phrase to the screen

Example output (user input is in blue):

Enter a list of characters (end with the character 'n'):
Found letter U
Found letter L
Found digit 7
Found punctuation .
Found letter N

Enter a phrase: Hello world!
You entered: Hello world!

Name your code lab6.cpp. Email me the completed source code.