The purpose of this assignment is to create a small student gradebook using an array of structures. Each structure will be a single student record for the class. Name your source code hw6.cpp.
The structure should be called StudentRecord. It will have the following member variables:
Use the following menu for the program:
Welcome to the StudentRecord Gradebook ====================================== 1. Enter student data for the class 2. Print all student records 3. Print a single student record 0. Exit ====================================== Enter selection:You will be using a variety of functions to implement these options. Option 1 will call an overall getAllStudents() function. Option 2 will check if student data has been entered. If there are students, it will call a printAllStudents() function. If there are no students, it will remind the user to select Option 1 first. Option 3 will also check if student data has been entered and remind the user to select Option 1 first if there are no students. If there are students, Option 3 will call the printSelectedStudent() function.
The required functions are as follows:
BEFORE reading the student's name to throw away
the enter key character on the input stream). The function MUST check each
data item entered by the user following the data constraint rules listed
above. Once all the data has been correctly entered by the user, the
function will calculate and set the overall course grade.
John Doe 000561234 75 85 80 92 83.00%
Index Name ID Exam Grades Overall Grade 0 John Doe 000561234 75 85 80 92 83.00% 1 Jane Smith 999123456 80 86 89 90 86.25% 2 Bob Smith 999654321 85 86 85 91 86.75%