Lab 5 - Basic Functions

In this lab, you will be learning how to make your own functions to perform basic statistical calculations.

The first part of the lab will be a brief lecture giving more details about the function syntax shown in class on Wednesday. You will then modify your solution for Lab 4 to make functions to calculate the average and standard deviation of three doubles.

Since this is new syntax, the following code (also in the link lab5_example.cpp) shows how to make a function for calculating the average. You will need to add the function for calculating the standard deviation for the assignment:

// A example program to create our own math functions
// This program will calculate the average and standard deviation of 3 doubles

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>     // For sqrt and pow functions
using namespace std;

// Function: average
// Input:    3 doubles
// Output:   Double
// Purpose:  Compute the average of three doubles

double average(double, double, double);

// Function: stdev
// Input:    3 doubles
// Output:   Double
// Purpose:  Compute the standard deviation of three doubles

// Add the prototype for standard deviation here

int main()
  double d1, d2, d3;
  char again;

    cout << "Enter 3 doubles: ";
    cin >> d1 >> d2 >> d3;

    cout << "The average is " << average(d1, d2, d3) << endl;

    // Add the cout for standard deviation here

    cout << "\nDo you wish to enter another set of numbers? (Y|n) ";
    cin >> again;
  } while(again != 'N' && again != 'n');

  cout << "Goodbye\n";

  return 0;

double average(double num1, double num2, double num3)
  double avg;

  avg = (num1 + num2 + num3) / 3;

  return avg;

// Add the body for standard deviation here

Name your source code lab5.cpp. Email me the completed source code.