The purpose of this lab is to learn how to format output using both C and C++ syntax.
You may work in groups on this assignment. The lecture room (Sci III 315) is available Monday October 10th during lecture time (12:20-1:40) for you to work on the assignment. Alternatively, you can use the Walk-In Lab (Sci III 324) or work from home. This is an extra credit assignment, but you will be required to know how to format output for future required assignments and exams.
The function call can take multiple arguments. The first argument is always a format string. The format string can be either just a plain string similar to what we've sent to cout (in which case it is the only argument to printf) or a string with formating tokens embedded in it. The formating tokens dictate how to display certain datatypes. It takes the form:
%[-][0][col][.prec]typeThe - character is optional and will left justify the text (right justify is the default if - is omited).
for an integer, f
for a double (or float)
and c
for a character. There are other types available. See
man printf
for a list.
printf("%d", num);
printf("%f", dnum);
printf("%.2f", dnum);
printf("%10d", num);
printf("%10.3f", dnum);
printf("%-10d", num);
printf("%010d", num);
#include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> using namespace std; int main() { int num1, num2; double dnum1, dnum2; printf("Enter two integers: "); cin >> num1 >> num2; printf("Enter two doubles: "); cin >> dnum1 >> dnum2; printf("%d %d %f %f.\n", num1, num2, dnum1, dnum2); printf("%10d %10d %10f %10f.\n", num1, num2, dnum1, dnum2); printf("%010d %-10d %10.2f %10.4f.\n", num1, num2, dnum1, dnum2); return 0; }
- Set the width of the column. It has to
be within a cout statement. Example:
cout << setw(10) << num;
- Set the precision for the output.
Should be combined with setting fixed and showpoint (see below) for best
looking output. Example: cout.precision(4);
- Set a certain flag on the iostream. Common
flags are:
(see below).
Example: cout.setf(ios::left)
- Clear a flag on the iostream. It uses
similar flags to setf
. Example:
cout << setprecision(2) << fixed << showpoint << dnum;
- Do left justification until right justification is set.
Example: cout << left << num;
- Turn off left justification and go back to right
justification. Example: cout << right << num;
integer output right justify: | 5| left justify: |5 | double output (2 precision) right justify: | 5.50| left justify: |5.50 | A small table without borders: Name Integer Double Alice 5 6.20 Bob 8 13.34 Carol 12 19.00Copy the file over to your current directory using the following command (note: there is a dot at the end of the command, this represents the current working directory is the destination of the copy command):
cp /home/fac/melissa/public_html/cs221/labEC_example.cpp .Compile and run the code. You should see output similar to above.