You will receive a prompt to enter a username or login, type the username given on your account sheet and hit enter. This will typically echo to the screen.
It will then ask you for a password. Enter the password on the login sheet. This will not be echoed. Passwords are case sensitive so make sure you are using the proper upper/lower case and that caps lock is not on.
If you entered the password correctly, you will now be at the prompt in the shell for your account on Helios. Helios is a type of UNIX operating system that one mainly uses from the command line. CMPS 150 will teach you how to use this command line environment. If you cannot attend CMPS 150, come to office hours or to one of the tutoring times in SCI 409. The schedule is posted in the hallway. Here is the department tutorials as well:
C++ Survival Guide
UNIX Survival Guide
vi Survival Guide
Once you connect, you log in as above.
vi <filename>
vim <filename>
pico <filename>
You can then either type your program in directly or paste in a program you have in the clipboard, such as if you copied one of the sample programs from the book's CD. To paste in Putty, you must press SHIFT+INSERT at the same time. The CTRL key shortcuts you may be familiar with do not work in Putty. Save your program and exit the editor to return back to the prompt.
To compile and link your program, type the following:
g++ <filename>
To run your program, type the following:
If your program stops responding, press CTRL+C at the same time to stop it.