Download this example file to your account: lab7_input.txt. When you are logged into Helios, you should be able to do the following command to copy the file to your current directory:
cp /usr/users/mdanfor/public_html/cs221/lab7_input.txt .Write a program to read in the data from this file and print it to the screen. Note that the file has an integer followed by a double. Your input statement should look something like this:
int num; double dnum; fin >> num >> dnum;
Look at this small example of formatting output using printf: lab5_example.cpp. This is the output it produces:
integer output right justify: | 5| left justify: |5 | double output (2 precision) right justify: | 5.50| left justify: |5.50 | A small table without borders: Name Integer Double Alice 5 6.20 Bob 8 13.34 Carol 12 19.00Write a program to do the same output using cout.