Homework 3 - Overloading Operators

Due: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 at 5:00pm

Coding Conventions

Use the same coding conventions as described in Homework 1. Additionally, make sure to indent each section of the class in the class definition.


For this assignment, you will be expanding the Money class: money.h

Use the seperate compilation method from Lab 4 for this assignment. You will need to add to money.h and create money.cpp. Use the following main function to test your class: hw3_main.cpp

Do NOT change this main function. I will be testing your assignments using this form of hw3_main.cpp regardless of what main.cpp file you might include in your submission.

Add the following operators and constructors to the class:

Email me your money.h and money.cpp files. Do not email me your money.o file.