The purpose of this lab is to define a basic child class from a parent class, invoke parent constructors and redefine functions.
Copy all the files from the lab6 directory to your directory. You may wish to make a new subdirectory off your cs222 directory for this lab and copy the files there.
The provided files give the basic Employee and hourlyEmployee classes discussed in lecture on Monday. Your task for this lab is to add the salariedEmployee class. Recall that the salariedEmployee class will have two member variables: the weekly salary and the number of weeks worked.
Derive salariedEmployee from Employee (just as hourlyEmployee was done). Add the default constructor, add accessor/mutator functions for the new member variables and redefine inputEmployee and printPaycheck. Look at how this was done in hourlyEmployee for the appropriate syntax.
When you have added the class, you can type 'make' to have the Makefile automatically call the appropriate separate compilation commands for you. The main.cpp file will not compile until the salariedEmployee class is added in employee.h. The executable will not be created until the printPaycheck and inputEmployee function bodies are coded.
Email your updated employee.h and employee.cpp files to me.