Homework 3 - Operator Overloading

Due: Wednesday February 1, 2012 at 5:30pm

Note: Since Midterm 1 is on Monday February 6th, the last day to turn this assignment in LATE is Friday February 3rd, so the solutions can be posted for study over the weekend.

Coding Conventions

Use the same coding conventions as described in Homework 1. Additionally, make sure to indent each section of the class in the class definition.


For this assignment, you will be modifying the Score class from Lab 3 to support a full range of operators.

Add the following constructors and operators to the Score class:

Main Function

Your main() function is going to be a driver function that tests all of the operators and constructors you have added to the class. Note how the main() function for Lab 3 tests input, output, converting an integer, addition, the default constructor and so on. You will need to add additional testing for all of the above features.

In particular, your main function should test the following:

Email your complete Score class and main function to me.