Homework 3 - Chapter 5
Due: Friday, February 13, 2009 at 5:00pm
- (4pts) For the following instructions parsed by the simple datapath,
state whether or not they would be affected by a stuck-at-1 error for bit 0 of
ALUOp. If it is affected, state what would go wrong.
- load word (lw)
- store word (sw)
- branch equal (beq)
- R-type instructions
- (4pts) For the following instructions parsed by the simple datapath,
state whether or not they would be affected by a stuck-at-0 error for RegWrite.
If it is affected, state what would go wrong.
- load word (lw)
- store word (sw)
- branch equal (beq)
- R-type instructions
- (2pts) Give all the steps needed on the simple datapath to parse the
sub $t0, $s5, $t1
- (2pts) What control lines and functional units would be needed to expand
the simple datapath to support the jump register (jr) instruction?
- (2pts) What are the motivations behind the changes made to convert the
simple datapath into the multicycle datapath? Describe how the changes address
some deficiency in the simple datapath.
- (2pts) Give all the steps needed on the multicycle datapath, including the
control lines set at that step, to parse the instruction
sub $t0, $s5, $t1
- (4pts) For the following instructions parsed by the multicycle datapath,
state whether or not they would be affected by a stuck-at-0 error for ALUSrcA.
If it is affected, state what would go wrong.
- load word (lw)
- store word (sw)
- branch equal (beq)
- R-type instructions