CS 350 - "Concurrent Programming in Ada"

concurrent languages
Ada Rendezvous Implementation of Producer/Consumer Problem
Ada Programming Wikibook
concurrent programming in Ada
Ada is the 20th most widely used language worldwide (it was 25th last year) and may be the best choice for reliable software - 14th International Conference on Reliable software Technologies. Since Ada was developed for embedded systems, concurrent programming is built-in to the language. Ada's built-in concurrency and safety critical support features make it a first choice for mission critical applications. The fly-by-wire system software in the Boeing 777 was written in Ada.

Unlike coroutines, concurrent programming (threads) involve "simultaneous" execution. Simultaneous is quoted because, although at the programmer level you can think of the threads as executing simultaneously, in reality, on a non-threaded single processor machine this is not the case. The single processor is jumping back from thread to thread:

             - - -
           /       \
      >---- - - - - ----->>
On multi-processor or on a threaded machine it really is simultaneous:
          /   \
For the typical application, you don't need to worry about what the processor is doing. Your job is to write a threaded algorithm only. Start by downloading this Ada program. You job is modify it. This Ada program is an example of concurrent programming using Ada tasks. Tasks are similar to coroutines in that you have multiple entry and exit points. But in addition to this, a task represents a separate thread of control that can proceed independently and concurrently between the points of interaction with the other tasks. Refer to the documentation on Ada Tasks and Synchronization as you work on this part of the lab. Make the following changes to lab09.adb:

Task #1. Add a data structure to the program to hold the names of the dogs. Each time you add a dog, its name is added to the structure. The structure can be as simple as an array of Strings. Caveat - due to strong constraint-checking, data types are never simple in Ada. You must do the following:

    type Names is array(1..25) of String(1..5);   -- array for dog names
    subtype names_index is Integer range 1..25;   -- the index into dog array
    my_names : Names;

And later, if you assign a value to the array from a literal, the literal MUST be of length 5.
    my_names(names_index) := "Tiger";

Task #2. Add parameters to the message passing that occurs in between main program and the Kennel task. Message passing is at two entry points : dropoffDog and pickupDog. An example of adding parameters to messages is here:

TASK worker IS
     ENTRY run (repeat : IN Integer; length : IN Integer);  
END  worker;

     ACCEPT run (repeat : IN Integer; length : IN Integer) DO
         save_repeat := repeat;
         save_length := length;
     END run;
END  worker; 
Add two IN parameters to dropoffDog. One is a boolean. If this parameter is true the dog is not a biter and safe to insert into the kennel. If the dog is a biter then do not insert the dog. The second parameter is a string containing the name of the dog. If you insert the dog you need to add the dog's name to the String array. Each time you display the Kennel, display the name of the dogs.