Firefox FireBug Extension Sample Code client-side JavaScript 1.3 moz illa reference 1.5 event handlers DOM overview DOM Events doc O'Reilly HTML Guide Hex color codes |
JavaScript is a client-side scripting language for the web.
That means that the code is executed by a JavaScript engine integrated
into the client browser. All current browsers
support JavaScript, although not all are compliant to the same standard.
For this lab and for the exam, you need only test your code
under Mozilla Firefox.
JavaScript is not "baby-Java." The only relationship between Java and JavaScript is that both are object-oriented languages and both share C-style control structures and operators. That is about where the similarity ends. The choice of name is unfortunate. JavaScript was created by Netscape and the name is a trademark of Sun.
Client-side scripts are generally triggered by events that occur when the user interacts with the client browser, often through FORM elements. Since JavaScript is client-side, there are far more ways to interact with the user in JavaScript than there are with PHP. You also have more control over writing to the current page in JavaScript. Click these buttons for a demonstration:
The focus of this lab is the event-handling aspects of JavaScript, where user activity is tied to elements in the HTML document tree. Objects in the tree are linked to events and event handlers. Although a JavaScript can be in a standalone file, in this lab you will embed your scripts into an HTML file (lab07.html). Since JavaScript is client-side, you can write lab07.html on your local PC and load it onto a web server when you are finished (if you want). Otherwise, modify lab07.html directly from within /public_html in your account on sleipnir.
The debugging capabilities of the JavaScript interpreter are browser dependent. If you use Netscape, Mozilla or Firefox, you will either type 'javascript:' in the URL bar or open the Tools->Error Console from the menu (depending on the version). Any errors in your script will be displayed in the console window. All versions of Mozilla Firefox after 3 use the Tools->Error Console from the menu bar. You can also install a Firefox extension called firebug.
You will need to know a little HTML for this lab, as well as the basics of how embedding Javascript into HTML works. If you do not know any HTML, go to the CMPS 211 course page. Create a 'lab07' directory under your $HOME/public_html. (Keep the default permissions since all directories you want accessible on the Internet must have 755 permission and files must have 744.) Copy events.html into $HOME/public_html/lab07/:
cp /home/fac/melissa/public_html/cs350-f15/Code/JavaScript/events.html .(To make the existing code in events.html work with minimal modification, you may want to create an Images subdirectory to hold your images for this lab.)
View the source of events.html while looking at the behavior in your browser: events.html. Everything you need to complete this lab is in the documentation in events.html.
cd Desktop ftp sleipnir // login as you ftp> mput *.jpg prompt // will transfer all jpg images to your home directory ftp> quit Move the images from $HOME to your /public_html/Images subdirectory.Alternatively, grab an image directly from the command line on sleipnir:
$ wget // will grab some_image.jpg
var myArray = []; // this array will grow as needed myArray[0] = new Image(); myArray[1] = new Image(); and so on...
myArray[0].src = "some_image.jpg"; and so on....
prompt('enter hex code: ','#FFFFFF'); // #FFFFFF is the default valueChange the DIV area background to that color.
What to submit for this lab
Email the URL of your completed file when you are ready for me to view it.