Lab 3 - Signals and select()
Due: Friday by 12:30pm
In this lab, we will explore two concepts central to many network programs:
signal masks and select(). These concepts form the basis of allowing a program
to use full-duplex communication. Download the code
to your current directory with the command:
Compile and run the code with the commands:
gcc -o select select.c
Part 1: Signals
Signals are notifications sent by the operating system or the user to
processes. The signals can affect the behavior of the process. For example,
if you are running a program in the foreground of your shell and you type
CTRL-C, this sends the SIGINT signal to the process. By default, the process
will terminate when it receives this signal. The coder can also set up signal
handlers to change the default behavior of the process when it receives
certain specific signals.
Read the manual page on signals using the following command:
man 7 signal
At the start of the code, information about the process's current signal
mask is printed out. Some signals can either be ignored entirely (blocked)
or a signal handler can be set up. The signal handler is a function in the
program which processes the signal. Look at the code and see how SIGCHLD
and SIGQUIT are blocked while SIGINT is given a signal handler.
Part 2: select()
The purpose of select() is to give the program a way of waiting for I/O events
or errors from specified file descriptors or sockets. For example, if the user
types something on the keyboard, this will be an event for the stdin file
descriptor. If data is waiting on the network socket, i.e. something can be
read with recv(), then this would also be an I/O event.
The second part of the program enters a select loop. You can type a string,
give a control sequence (CTRL-C for SIGINT, CTRL-Z for SIGSTOP, etc) or do
nothing and wait for select() to time out. If you open a second terminal, you
can send additional signals to the program using the kill
command. The program prints out examples of using the kill
command before printing the prompt.
If you type CTRL-Z, you will suspend the process. To bring it back, use the
following command:
fg 1
That will resume the process but not actually print any new prompts.
Part 3: Lab Write-Up
Answer the following questions in Moodle. You can use either the text box
or upload a plain text, Open Office or PDF document.
- What is the purpose of SIGCHLD and SIGQUIT according to the man page?
- What is the full list of signals marked in
important signals? Just give the signals, not their purpose
- Pick three signals from Question 2 that you did not describe in Question 1
and describe their purpose.
- Look at the man page for
and describe its purpose
in this code.
- Look at the man page for
and describe how it is
used in in this code.
- Look at the source code. How is the SIGINT (CTRL-C) signal handler set up
in main()?
- How does the code tell select() to watch stdin for activity?
- One of the issues with Lab 2 is there was no way to check both the socket
and the keyboard for data at the same time, so we could only recode the
programs to use half-duplex communication. How would you use concepts
explored in this lab to allow full duplex communication between vcrec
and vcsend? Describe the general code changes you would need to make, but
do not actually code the changes (we will code the changes for next
week's lab).