Improved Cryptanalysis of Rijndael
N. Ferguson, J. Kelsey, S. Lucks, B. Schneier, M. Stay, D. Wagner, and D. Whiting.
This is the paper we went over in class detailing some cryptanalysis of AES.
Homework 1- Due Mon. Apr. 24, 2006 before midnight.
Homework 1 Solution
How to 0wn the Internet in Your Spare Time
Stuart Staniford, Vern Paxson and Nicholas Weaver. Proceedings of the 11th
USENIX Security Symposium (Security '02)
An analysis of some theoretical and actual spread rates for worms on the
Internet. It includes the Warhol worm and flash worm.
The midterm will be on Friday Apr 28. There will be a review session Wednesday.
Homework 2 - Due Fri. May 12, 2006 before midnight
Homework 2 Solutions
Homework 3 - Due Wed. May 31, 2006 before midnight
Homework 3 Solutions