Lab 7 - Writing Nessus Plugins
Due: Wednesday at 5:00pm
This lab is worth 10 points.
For today's lab, we will write a simple custom Nessus plugin that checks the
banner string of SSH to see if OpenSSH is the type of SSH server running.
Nessus uses a simple scripting language, NASL, for writing plugins. There is
also a command line tool, nasl
, to run a single script against
a target machine.
The following links have tutorials about the scripting language and the command
line tool. Read through each before starting to write your plugin.
To write your plugin, you will need to launch the virtual machine that has the
Nessus code installed on it. You will also need a target machine with the SSH
server running and no firewall rules blocking access to the SSH server. Use
the above tutorials to write your NASL script to see if the banner returned
by port 22 contains the phrase OpenSSH, which indicates it is running the
OpenSSH server. If the banner contains that phrase, set the security note flag.
Test your script using the nasl
command line tool and the GUI.
Email your NASL script to me.