CMPS 4928 Senior Project II
Section 2 - Spring 2018
Instructor and Contact Information
Instructor: Dr. Melissa Danforth
Office: Sci III 319, 654-3180
Office Hours: MTuWThF 11:45am - 12:45pm and by appointment

Course website: under Teaching menu
Blackboard website: CMPS 4928 Section 2

Course meets Fridays 4:00 to 5:40pm in Sci III 311

Catalog Description
CMPS 4928 - Senior Project II (2)
This is the completion phase of the project. Students will present a project report to the entire class, explaining the nature of the work, the finished product, and its relationship to the field. Students will demonstrate proficiency in critical thinking, information literacy, written communication, and quantitative reasoning in their written project report. Additionally, students will demonstrate an understanding of their academic pursuits by reflecting on their studies of the arts, humanities, natural sciences, behavioral sciences, and social sciences.
Prerequisites: CMPS 4910 and Senior status (completion of at least 90 semester units). Prerequisite or Co-requisite: GE UD Area C (PHIL 3318 for CMPS majors)
Q2S Transitional Prerequisites for Students on Quarter-System Catalog (2013-15 or earlier): Senior status and either CMPS 4910 or 490A
Prerequisites by Topic
Completion of the first course of the Senior Project sequence
Completion of most upper-division General Education requirements
Units and Contact Time
2 semester units. 2 units lecture (100 minutes).
Required for CS.
Required Textbook
Recommended Textbook and Other Supplemental Materials
Huaqing Wang
Student Learning Outcomes
CMPS 4928 is the second part of the two-semester senior design project sequence, and will complete the project implementation, emphasizing the problem analysis and problem-solving abilities. In CMPS 4910, teams looked for a problem, analyzed the problem, and applied the knowledge of computer science to propose solutions (ABET CAC 3b, 3c, 3d, 3k). In this class, students will do the following:

Specific requirements for this course are:

ABET Student Learning Outcome Coverage
The course maps to the following ABET Criterion 3 student learning outcomes for Computer Science (CAC/ABET):
3b. An ability to analyze a problem, and identify and define the computing i requirements and specifications appropriate to its solution.
3c. An ability to design, implement and evaluate a computer-based system, process, component, or program to meet desired needs.
3d. An ability to function effectively on teams to accomplish a common goal.
3e. An understanding of professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues and responsibilities.
3f. An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
3h. Recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in continuing professional development.
3k. An ability to apply design and development principles in the construction of software systems of varying complexity.
General Education Student Learning Outcome Coverage
Goal 1. Students will articulate how their foundational skills, other General Education coursework, and other major and minor coursework has prepared them for their career and will help or has helped them achieve other life goals.
Outcome 1A. Students will articulate how their foundational skills and other General Education coursework has prepared them for their career and will help or has helped them achieve other life goals.
Outcome 1B. Students will articulate how their major and minor coursework has prepared them for their career and will help or has helped them achieve other life goals.
Goal 2. Students will demonstrate proficiency in critical thinking, information literacy, oral communication, written communication, and quantitative reasoning.
Outcome 2A. Students will demonstrate critical thinking, information literacy, oral communication, written communication, and quantitative reasoning skills appropriate for a bachelor degree.
Outcome 2B. Students will create and deliver an effective oral presentation in a professional manner using information and techniques appropriate for the subject and audience.
Class Schedule
To facilitate presentation scheduling, teams will be broken into two groups: Group A and Group B. On presentation weeks, only teams from the scheduled group will present.

Please be present in class when it is NOT your team's week to present, as feedback from class participants is part of the project development process.

Calendar last updated on March 12, 2018

Week 1 Friday January 26th Term Overview and Team Check-in with Instructor
Week 2 Friday February 2nd No class meeting. Teams continue to work on projects on own.
Week 3 Friday February 9th Group A Teams Progress Presentation
Week 4 Friday February 16th Professional Development Opportunity: CS Faculty Candidate Presentation
Week 5 Wednesday February 21st Professional Development Opportunity: ECE Faculty Candidate Presentation
Week 5 Friday February 23rd Group B Teams Progress Presentation
Week 6 Make Appointment Team Check-in with Instructor
Week 6 Monday February 26th Professional Development Opportunity: ECE Faculty Candidate Presentation
Week 6 Friday March 2nd Professional Development Opportunity: ECE Faculty Candidate Presentation No Class Meeting
Week 7 Monday March 5th Professional Development Opportunity: CS Faculty Candidate Presentation
Week 7 Friday March 9th Professional Development Opportunity: CS Faculty Candidate Presentation
New: Week 8 Monday March 12th Professional Development Opportunity: ECE Faculty Candidate Presentation
New: Week 8 Wednesday March 14th Professional Development Opportunity: CS Faculty Candidate Presentation
Week 7 8 March 9th to 11th 16th to 18th Professional Development Opportunity: Startup Weekend at CSUB Aera Energy (Ming and Old River)
Week 8 Friday March 16th Group A Teams Progress Presentation ECE Faculty Candidate Presentation
Week 9 Friday March 23rd Group BAll Teams Progress Presentation (10-15 minute demo of project)
Spring Break Friday March 30th Holiday - Campus Closed
Week 10 Make Appointment Team Check-in with Instructor
Week 11 Wednesday April 11th PDFs of Posters for Senior Design Expo must be submitted for printing
New: Week 11 April 12th to 14th Professional Development Opportunity: BC Health & Social Justice Hackathon
Week 11 Friday April 13th No class meeting. Prep for Senior Design Expo.
Week 12 Wednesday April 18th Senior Design Expo from 1:00-3:30pm in SRC Solario
Week 12 Friday April 20th No class meeting. Teams continue to work on projects on own.
Week 13 Friday April 27th TBD. Possible Date 1 for Major Field Test (CS Traditional only)
Week 10 14 Thursday April 5th Wednesday May 2nd Professional Development Opportunity: CODE documentary screening, 5:30pm, WSL Dezember Reading Room
Week 14 Friday May 4th TBD. Possible Date 2 for Major Field Test (CS Traditional only)
Week 15 Friday May 11th Last Day of Class: Group A Final Project Presentations
Week 16 (Finals Week) Monday May 14th Final Project Reports and Peer Evaluations Due
Week 16 (Finals Week) TBD (after exam conflict resolved) Final Exam Time: Group B Final Project Presentations
Computer Labs Outside of Class
The CEE/CS Tutoring Center in Sci III 324 is available for use by students in this course outside of class time on a first come, first serve basis. Priority in the lab is given to students who are completing assignments for CEE/CS courses. See the schedule on the door for hours the lab will be open.

There are also computers available in the CEE/CS Major Study Lounge in Sci III 341 (formerly the CEE/CS Library). This room is only open when faculty members are on campus, e.g. approximately 8am to 5pm on weekdays. If the door is currently locked, see Steve, Erika, myself, or another faculty member to unlock it.

Presentations35% (based on individual presentations during team presentations)
Final Project Report50% (30% for team report and code documentation, 20% for individual code diary)
Teamwork and Participation10% (including attendance, Senior Design Expo, and Major Field Test)
Reflection Assignments5%

Grades are posted on Blackboard. It is your responsibility to check Blackboard for grades and any comments on assignments. If you believe you submitted your assignment on time but the comment field says "assignment not submitted", contact the instructor.

Students will be expected to give regular oral presentations to the class throughout the term. Students will be graded individually based on their part of the team presentation. A presentation rubric will be posted on Blackboard. This term, each presentation should also contain a demo of the team's code, showing progress on the project to date.
Final Project Report
This report will consist of three parts: an executive summary, a detailed code description, and individual code diaries. The executive summary should give a brief overview of the project problem and design (from the proposal), a brief overview of the development process (key changes made from design and justification for those changes), and an overview of the final project, including screenshots. The detailed code description should fully document and describe the code.

Complete code should also be made available to the instructor via a directory on Sleipnir (or another department server) or through a collaboration website like Github. The code description portion of the grade will be docked if the instructor does not have access to the complete source code.
Code Diaries
Every student should maintain a code diary while working on their portion of the project. This diary should contain the highlights of the research, coding, and troubleshooting done during the term, but does not need to go into deep detail.
Teamwork and Participation
This portion of your grade will be based on your attendance on weeks when your team is NOT presenting, on your completion of a teamwork evaluation form, on your participation in the team, and on your participation in required Spring term activities like the Senior Design Expo for all students and the Major Field Test for CS track students.
Senior Design Expo
All teams will be required to participate in the Senior Design Expo in April as part of the Teamwork and Participation portion of the course grade. Posters will be due to the instructor at least one week before the Expo, so they can be approved prior to printing. More details will follow on the course website as they become available.
Professional Development Opportunities
These are optional activities during the term that students can attend for extra credit points in the Teamwork and Participation category. Faculty candidate talks and the CODE documentary screening will be worth 1 extra credit point. Completion of the Startup Weekend will be worth 3 extra credit points. Each student can get a maximum of 3 extra credit points through the professional development opportunities.
Major Field Test for CS Track
The Major Field Test (MFT) is a nationally normed exam in Computer Science that is used by the department to assess the CS track. The exam assesses the class as a whole in three areas: Programming, Theory (Discrete Structures, Algorithms), and Systems (Databases, Networking, OS, Architecture). Students are also given an overall individual score.

Points are awarded based on participation and completion of the test only. Your score on the MFT does not factor in to the points that are awarded. The department does ask that you take the exam seriously though, as it is used for campus program review and assessment. Study guides and more information about the test will be posted on Blackboard.
Reflection Assignments
Reflection assignments are individual assignments, not team assignments. The assignments and their due dates will be posted to Blackboard. Every student is responsible for completing ther own reflection assignments and submitting them through Blackboard.
Final Exam
There is no final exam for this class. Your final project presentation and demo takes the place of the final exam. However, Group B teams will use the final exam time to give their presentations.

Also note that the campus final exam schedule has another class (MW 4:00 - 5:40pm classes) scheduled to give their final exam at the same time as our final exam. The date for the Group B end-of-term presentations will be announced once that exam conflict is resolved.

If you have another final exam at the time of your team's presentation, please let the instructor know at least two weeks in advance. We will try to find a team from the other group willing to swap time slots if this happens.
Prepared By
Melissa Danforth on January 2, 2018
Effective Spring 2018