Materials from Cybersecurity Section
Lecture Notes:
Created by Dr. Danforth
- Introduction, Ethics, Operational Security, Passwords
- Authentication Protocols
- More on Authentication Protocols, Best Practices for Passwords
- Password Patterns, Secure Authentication
- TCP/IP Networking
- Network Attacks
- Malware Terminology and Basics
- Why Compromises Matter: Access Control
- Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs), Security Practices Online
Social Engineering Prezi Presentations:
Created by Alfonso Puga (CSUB Student Assistant for 2013 and 2014 sessions)
Alfonso prepared the social engineering notes given to the students. Most of
the Prezi presentations are images, as Alfonso would narrate along with the
presentations. We do not have transcripts of the narration available.
Note: Prezi offline presentations only run on Windows
Password Security Activities and Worksheets
Password Complexity and Cracking Speed activity by Dr. DanforthHashCat labs and worksheets by Polo Melendez (CSUB Student Assistant for 2015 session)
Encryption activity utilizes CMPS 340 Digital Forensics materials by Donna Meyers
- Password Complexity and Cracking Speed
- Introduction to Password Hashing and Cracking
- Introduction to HashCat
- HashCat Brute Force and Mask Attacks
- HashCat Mask Attacks Continued
- HashCat Hybrid Attacks
- Graphics Card and Poster Prep
- HashCat Rule Based Attacks
- Other Tools besides HashCat and Encryption
Digital Forensics Activities and Worksheets
Created by Mark Stevens (CSUB Student Assistant for 2015 session)Some activities utilize CMPS 340 Digital Forensics materials by Donna Meyers