Template functions and exception handeling

as always start by copying over all the files provided for you

The functions go in  "functions.h"
File: functions.h 

#pragma once
#include "cmpslib19.h"
#include "easylogging++.h"


THERE ARE NO try - catch  blocks anywhere in this file, those would go in your main.cpp 
you are throwing exeptions to exit your functions gracefully

Create the following 4 template functions

T Difference(T one,T two)
name: Difference
pass by value 
returns the difference between the parmaters one and two (template type)
the difference should always be positive (template type)
if the 2nd param is larger than the first throw "Invalid result"
like so 
if ( one > two)
throw "Invalid Result";

while this is a template function it will only work with numeric data types
test with double and int

void Difference(T one,T two, T & result)
name: Difference
pass by reference
calculate the difference between the parmaters one   and two, store the result in parameter three
the difference should always be positive (template type)
if the 2nd param is larger than the first throw "Invalid result"

while this is a template function it will only work with numeric data types
test with double and int

bool IsBetween(T one,T two, T three)
name: IsBetween
pass by value
is parameter one between parameters two (low) and three (high) the parameters are (template type)
if parameter two and three do not make a valid range (low > high ) throw "Invalid range"
return the result (bool)

void IsBetween(T one,T two, T three,bool  & result)
name: IsBetween
pass by reference
is parameter one between parameters two (low) and three (high) (template type)
if parameter two and three do not make a valid range (low > high) throw "Invalid range"
store the result (bool) in parameter 4


functions.h -- put your functions here, template files cannot be pre compiled like we do with .cpp files main1.cpp -- create a main to test that your functions do what they are supposed to do for full credit: 1. In the main you will need to test ALL of your functions and make sure they are correct 2. Test each of your functions at least 3 times with disparate values 3. log the start and end of all functions at the VERY LEAST 4. make sure your code compiles with out warnings