Dynamic Array

you will create 2 classes

RUN ALL THE EXAMPLES, your logging for all 6 mains should match the example logs as close as is possible


class StaticArray

private members:
string data[5];

constructor  -- log the start and end of the function
destructor   -- log the start and end of the function
string ToString() -- return a string representation of the data in the array
overloaded [] operator .. add code to throw and exeption if the requested index is out of bounds

put your class declaration in static_array.h and your function bodies in static_array.cpp

class DynamicArray

private members:
string * data
int capacity

constructor  -- there will be only one constructor and the copy constructor 

DO NOT make a default constructor "DynamicArray()" , you will lose points if you do
DO NOT modify the mains to make it compile without the constructor DynamicArray() 

DynamicArray(int val =5);// will work in place of a default constructor DynamicArray() as well 

				it will have and int parameter
				with a default value of 5, look up default values of parameters in c++ if you dont understand
                the parameter will be the capacity of the array, the parameter has a default value of 5
                set the member capacity with the value passed in
                set the pointer "data" to a new dynamic array of size "capacity"
                log the start and end of the function 

copy constructor
             -- the parameter will be a DynamicArray refference
								set capacity the same as the one passed in
                set your pointer to a new dynamic array 
								copy the data from the one passed in

destructor   -- clean up the dynamic array, call delete [] on the pointer
                log the start and end of the function

overloaded [] operator .. add code to throw and exeption if the requested index is out of bounds

string ToString() -- return a string representation of the data in the array

put your class declaration in dynamic_array.h and your function bodies in dynamic_array.cpp

copy over all the files provided for you 
the files are in the usual place

sample mains have been provided to test both of your classes

the StaticArray class is nearly completed 
the DynamicStack files are nearly empty

make sure the output of the provided mains match the runnable  examples provided

make sure the output of the log files match as well , you need to implement logging