Functions PBR

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Pass By Reference Lecture Video Pass By Reference Lab Video
move to the proper directory cd ~/assignments/cmps2020/lab/lab02 copy over the files provided for you cp -r /home/fac/msarr/public_files/cmps2020/lab/lab02/* /home/stu/YOURUSERNAME/assignments/cmps2020/lab/lab02/ or navigate into your lab02 directory ( note the . instead of the destination folder, it means "this directory") cp -r /home/fac/msarr/public_files/cmps2020/lab/lab02/* . for this lab you will create some functions start by running the example.. look at the output to the console look at the logfile it creates. you will emulate this behavior in terms of output to the console and logfile LOG THE BEGINNING AND END OF EVERY FUNCTION use the TrippleInt functions as an example of how to do this int SmallerIntPBV( int, int) determine the smaller of two integer values passed in as parameters 1 and 2 return the result void SmallerIntPBR( int , int , int &) determine the smaller of two integer values passed in as parameters 1 and 2 store the result into a parameter 3 the return type must be void use pass by reference ONLY where needed ( the 3rd parameter ) int LargerIntPBV (int, int) determine the larger of two integer values passed in as parameters 1 and 2 return the result parameters that do not need to change for the function to work should be pass by value or pass by const reference void LargerIntPBR (int, int, int &) determine the larger of two integer values passed in as parameters 1 and 2 store the result into a parameter 3 the return type must be void use pass by reference ONLY where needed (the 3rd parameter) parameters that do not need to change for the function to work should be pass by value or pass by const reference SwapInt swap the values of two int parameters passed in by reference the return type must be void Just modify the existing main1.cpp provided for you , you will add in your functions and test them. in "main.cpp" you will test call all your functions to make sure they work properly is is 100% your responsibility to make sure that the functions you write work properly your tests should print 'true' if the function operates properly, otherwise 'false' TEST EACH FUNCTION AT LEAST 4 TIMES you must do a test and compare the value that was the result of the function call with the correct values for example if you triple the value 9 ,(result == 81) is the only correct answer the largest of ( 1,5 and 3) is (result==5) I have provided a Makefile, to compile type 'make' make sure your code compiles, you can test with the following make clean make ./runme1 run the example and make sure your logging is similar to the example MAKE SURE YOU TYPE EXIT TO CLOSE YOUR TERMINAL !!!!