Dynamic Memory
for this lab you will create two programs to read in files of different sizes into an array
copy over the files provided for you, you will be provided with main1.cpp
this program will read the entire target file two times
first reads all the numbers from the file until the end
as it reads in a line from the file it increments a count
the first time it is read is simply to determine how may values are in the file
this will be the capacity
it then creates a dynamic array of the size calculated when reading the file the first time
it then opens the file a second time and reads all the values into an array
finally it calls PrintArray to print the file from the array, NOT as it reads it in from the file
copy your main1.cpp to main2.cpp it is a lot easier than typing all that over again
cp main1.cpp main2.cpp
only read the file once, you will not know how big to make the array so we will start with a small one and make it larger if needed
you will need two int values to keep track of the capacity and current number of values
create a dynamic array with a capacity of 5
read a value from the file, store it into the array, increment the number of items
when the array is full create a second array of twice the previous capacity
copy the values from the current array to the new array
delete the old array
continue reading in values from the file
your program will re size as many times as needed
finally call PrintArray to display the values
MAKE sure to add cout statements so your program matches the example
there are 2 runable examples
make your two runable programs match the output of the runable examples
there are 3 different test files with variable size for you to use while testing
test_input100.txt test_input50.txt test_input9.txt