CMPS 2680 - Week 06 notes

Background Monday Wednesday Friday


CSS refreshers

  1. W3Schools: CSS selectors
  2. W3Schools: CSS selector reference

CSS flexbox

  1. MDN web docs - Flexbox
  2. W3Schools - Flexbox
  3. CSS-TRICKS: A Complete Guide to Flexbox
  4. Flexbox Froggy - a game for learning CSS flexbox
  5. flexbox demo vs float demo


Intro to JavaScript

Whereas HTML is a markup language and CSS is a style sheet language, JavaScript (JS) is a programming language. If a webpage made with just HTML and CSS is considered static (it has the same content on the server as on the client), adding JavaScript to a page can make it dynamic.

To learn more about JavaScript, visit the links below:

Adding JavaScript to your site

There are a few ways to add JavaScript to your page, similar to the ways we can add CSS to a page:

Internal JavaScript

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
// Can be placed here
// Or here

External JavaScript

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<!-- Can be placed here -->
<script src="script.js"></script>
<!-- Or here -->
<script src="script.js"></script>


// JavaScript here

JavaScript can be placed in either the head or body section. Here are some general guidelines to follow when deciding where to place JavaScript code:


You can also write JavaScript code "snippets" directly as the value for an event attribute for certain elements. See the inline demo

See JavaScript Hello World

Some Methods

alert(message): The alert() method creates a pop-up box with a specified message and an OK button.

alert("Hello world!");

confirm(message): The confirm() method creates a pop-up box with a specified message, an OK button, and a Cancel button.

confirm("Press a button");

prompt(text, defaultText): The prompt() method creates a pop-up box that prompts the visitor for input. Optionally, you can set a default input value that will be used if the user does not choose to enter a response and clicks OK.

var number = prompt("Enter a number", 0);
var dog = prompt("What's your favorite type of dog?");

document.write(arg1, arg2, ): The write() method writes directly to the HTML document. It is mainly used for testing purposes, as if it is used after a HTML document has been fully loaded, it will delete all of the existing HTML.

document.write("Hello world!");

console.log(message): the console.log() method writes any message you like to the developer console. Because of this, it is mainly used for developer purposes, as the console is only visible when you open the DevTools.

console.log("Look out world, I\'m a hacker!");





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