Lab 10:

Due Date: Tuesday November 5, 2019

Don't worry about the bugs anymore unless you want to

Makefile is mainly what I want to look at

Do not hesitate to email me if you have questions


        Clone Lab10 repo:
        There is a working build in the repo called workingGame
        There are approximately 6 bugs throughout the program and
        to find them all you have to play the game.
        Explanation of the code will be given during class, and
        notes will have been written in the code for the larger
        Only files you need to look at are in the src directory
        When making changes, do not change the code given.
        wrap the code you are going to alter with pre compiled
        headers so that one build is the bugged copy and a 
        seperate build is yours.
                #ifdef YOUR_NAME_HERE
                    //your code written here
                    //my code here
        You also need to put a small comment in your section to explain
        what you did to fix the bug

        Lastly the Makefile has some requirements
                1. No .cpp or .header file in your g++ call
                    but variables can be used
                2. Must be two builds
                    a. Bugged build
                    b. Student build
                3. Must alter g++ call so that headers
                        (in this instance you can change the main.cpp
                         but only to remove the "src/" from the include) 
                        #include "src/fonts.h"
                        #include "src/GameScene.h"
                        #include "src/Menu.h"
                   do not require the src directory tag 
        Depending on how many bugs are fixed during class some
        may become extra credit

        Submit in zip file in this format: