In this lab, you will complete a simplified implementation of Wordle in MIPS assembly. The base code provides a working framework for a 4-letter word guessing game, but needs implementation of proper feedback mechanics.
Key features to implement:
cp /home/stu/prodriguezqu/public_html/2240/lab15/* .
cp lab15-todo.s mylab15.s
Input: DOGS (when target is CATS) Current output: **** Required output: ---*
Input: TACO (when target is CATS) Current output: -*-- Required output: +*+-
Target word: CATS Input: CATS Expected: **** (Perfect match) Input: TACO Expected: +*+- (T and A are in word) Input: DOGS Expected: ---* (Only S matches)
spim -f mylab15.s
Your completed mylab15.s file will be collected
Inspired by the popular word game Wordle