Academic Integrity Policy
All work in a course, unless the course is explicitly designed for team projects, must be completed solely by the student who submits the work. Students are encouraged to collaborate while learning the material but must complete each assignment on their own. Any student who submits an assignment that violates academic integrity may, at the discretion of the faculty of record for that course, may receive a punishment ranging from a zero on the assignment to an F grade overall in the course. Violations may also be forwarded to the Dean of Students.
Violations to academic integrity include but are not limited to:
- Using any form of notes during a closed notes exam.
- Getting aid from or giving aid to another student during an exam.
- Copying any material verbatim from another source and calling it your own.
- Downloading papers or solutions to assignments off the Internet.
- Soliciting assistance or paying someone to complete an assignment.
- Obtaining unauthorized solution manuals or homework solutions.
- Copying another student's document or code in whole or in part.
- Giving your work to another student who then submits it or copying written material without citing it properly.
- Submitting the same paper in multiple courses without prior approval.
Computer science students are expected to take reasonable precautions to safeguard their own code by setting permissions on source directories to 700. For example, if your homework directory is lab1
$ chmod 700 lab1
This command makes the lab1
folder accessible only to yourself and no one else, as well as any sub-directories. Academic honesty extends to computer use. All students are expected to adhere to the department's Acceptable Use Policy available here.