Dust chairs in rows: A, B, C, D
- Stock janitor closet
Wipe Arcade & Vending Machines
MONDAY: Clean trash boat
MONDAY & FRIDAY: Ensure recliners are plugged in
TUESDAY & THURSDAY: Wipe down all pony walls
TUESDAY & THURSDAY: Dust all banisters and
WEDNESDAY: Dust handles: Theatre exit, lobby,
bathrooms, concessions, office
WEDNESDAY: Dust aisle lights
- Stock Janitor Closet 1F
- Stock Janitor Closet 2F
- Dust chairs in rows: E, F, G, H
- Wipe down lobby tables
- Restock condiment island
- Empty and hang all butlers and brooms
- MONDAY: Put stock pallets in lobby
- TUESDAY: Dust poster cases
- WEDNESDAY: Dust auditorium doors and thresholds
- THURSDAY: Rinse out and clean one usher trash can