Week 1 - Introductions
M: Syllabus
W: Into to Unix, CLI, Sleipnir
Th: Vim, Pine, ps -x, file permission, etc
F: Intro to computers, hardware/software, programming, etc.
Week 2 - Intro to C++ and programming
M: "Hello World" line by line
W: Data Types and variable declaration, operators, iostream
Th: Arithmetic (lab: int vs float/double)
F: Intro to logic, comparison ops, expressions, if statment
Week 3 - Logic and Expressions
M: Logical expressions, if, ifelse, if elseif else
nested if, boolean logic w/ multi expr. AND OR NOT
W: continued, intro to switch, #defined constants
Th: Menu based w/ switch and #defined constants (lab)
F: Input validation w/if, intro to while loop->input validation
Week 4 - Loops, Menus, and Input Validation
M: Looping, incre++/decre--, counter, sentinel, running total
W: Do While, more input valid, into to menu based w/ loop
Th: Loop w/ running total, sentinel, and validation (lab)
F: For loop, nested loop, break, continue
Week 5 - File I/O and Libraries
M: FileIO w/ numbers, uses for fileIO
W: Intro to libraries and functions, cmath, iomanip
Th: FileIO w/ integer and arithmetic calculation (lab)
F: Adv. topics: over/underflow, const, global vs local, typecast
Week 6 - Functions
M: Intro to functions, define, call, tracing func calls
W: parameters, pbval, returned values
Th: Menu Shape Area Calc (lab)
F: prototypes, pb&ref
Week 7 - Review and Midterm I
M: Review Day
W: Jeopardy
Th: Midterm I (written)
F: Review Day / Activity / TBD
Week 8 - Cstrings, Character Testing, FileIO
M: cstring library, cstrings w/ functions
W: cctype library
Th: char testing (lab)
F: Palindrome
Week 9 - Arrays
M: Array declaration, accessing, processing, init list
W: &Addresses, user sized with staticly sized arrays, linear search
Th: Parallel Arrays - Store Inventory (lab)
F: List of Students I
Week 10 - Introduction to Structures (OOP)
M: Introduction to Structures, Object instantiation, dot.operator
W: Array of objects
Th: Create "Student" Struct (lab)
F: Nested Structures
Week 11 - Structures and Classes (OOP)
M: Structured Data, Objects, Members, dot.operator, OOP
W: Classes, 'private/public/protected', accessor, mutator
Th: Convert Struct to Class (lab) "Employee"
F: ScopeResolution::operator, DefConstructor, Destructor
Week 11 - Pointers
M: Pointers and arrays, dynamic mem alloc, dealloc, functions+pointers
W: Obj pointers, dynamic array of Objects w/ static member variables
Th: Employees Paycheck Calculator (lab)
F: More on pointers, ptr arithmetic, gdb NULL, etc.
Week 12 - Classes Continued
M: Constructors w/ args, copy constr, static members, memberwise=
W: Operator Overloading, dyn member var, Def/Copy Constr, Destr, Assign
Th: Operator Overloading w/ dynamic member var (lab)
F: Overloaded assignment= operator
Week 13 - Header Files
M: Seperate Compilation, header file, implimentation file, main file
W: Make Files, Aggregation
Th: Course, lecturer, and students (lab)
F: Review Day / Activity / TBD
Week 14 - Review and Midterm II
M: Review
W: Jeopardy
Th: Midterm II
Week 15 - Review and Practice
M: Templates
W: Standard Template Library
Th: Templates Lab w/ Seperate Compilation
F: Quiz6 Templates Continued
Week 16
M: Final Review
Finals Day: Final
**Schedule is subject to change