CMPS 2020 Programming II: Data Structures Week 1 Review cs2010 M - Syllabus W - Review on PBV, PBR, Pointers, Dynamic Memory Allocation Th - Lab: Dynamic Mem Allocation w/ functions F - Review on structured data, struct, class, accessor, mutator Week 2 Review C++ OOP M - Access Specifiers, accessors, mutators, constructors, destructor W - Operator overloading, Dynamic Member Variable Th - Lab:dynamic arrayBox ADT F - Dynamic Member Variable, GDB debugging Week 3 Cstrings vs Strings vs MyString M - cstrings vs strings W - operator overloading Th - Lab: operator<< operator>> F - MyString.cpp operator[], comparison operators Week 4 OOP: Inheritance M - Inheritance and hierarchies W - Inheritance II, constructor, destructor Th - Lab: Person => {student, faculty} F - Base class functions, hierarchies Week 5 OOP: Polymorphism M - Polymorphism and virtual member functions, base class pointers W - Virtual destructors, base class destructors Th - Lab: GDB - segFault, slicing, polymorphism, virtual destructor F - Multiple Inheritance, ABC Week 6 Exceptions M - Exception class, try, catch, throw W - Exceptions continued Th - Lab: GDB and exceptions F -Template classes, STL vectorWeek 7 STL ADT Vector, myVector, Midterm M - Review W - Review Activity Th - Lab: Midterm I - March 7th F -ADT myVectorWeek 8 STL Vector, MyVector, Templates M - Review template functions, class templates W - Intro to STL and Vector Th - Lab: Templates and Inheritance F - hw8 functions, Midterm I Results Week 9 ADT List Container Class M - Singly Linked Lists W - Node container Th - Lab: Array Based List F - Linked List Operations Week 10 Linked List Variants - Queues M - Doubly Linked List insert remove W - Enqueue + Dequeue w/ Doubly Linked Queue Th - Lab: bidirectional Doubly Linked List F - Array Based Queue Week 11 Stacks M - Stack operations Array Based Stack W - Recursion Th - Lab: Array Based Queue + Array Based Stack F - In-class hw11 worksheet Week 12 Binary Search + BSTree M - Binary Search alg., Big O, tree node, recursive traversals W - Binary Search Tree, Insert, Search, BST height Th - Lab: BST (handwritten) F - Binary Search Tree Delete Op, O(lg(n)) ************************************************** Spring Break April 15-19 ************************************************** Week 13 Searhing Sorting Algorithms BigO + Midterm M - Linear Search Binary Search W - Quadratic Sorting Algorithms Th - Midterm II - April 25 F - Hash Tables Intro Week 14 Hash Tables M - Intro to Hash Tables W - Double Hash Functions Th - InClass Assignment F - Final Review Week 15 Final Review + QuickSort MergeSort M - ********* W - ********* Th - ********* F - ********* Week 16 Final M - May 20 8:00am-10:30am W - ********* Th - ********* F - ********* **Schedule is subject to change